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Thanks for all the memories, Jönköping.

Leaving this place is the epitome of bittersweet. Jönköping, Sweden has been a great home to me for the past 4 months. These last few...

London Bridge is doing just fine!!!

Who is lucky enough to have a mother who has an English pen pal that let me stay with her for a weekend??????!!!! .... it's ME!! I got to...

Backpack through Europe.... check!

What do you do when you have a week off of school and you're studying abroad in Europe? You book all the $15 Ryanair flights you can...

Stupid Moss

On Saturday, some of my new friends and I went to Dumme Mosse which translates as "Stupid Moss". Sounds exciting, right?!?! Dumme Mosse...

Kickoff: a week-long college field day?

Summarizing the Kickoff may be a more difficult task than jumping in the freezing cold lake (5 separate times) during the Kickoff... So...

Let's do this.

Today, I began my first two classes at Jönkoping University (see cheesy first day of school picture below). My coursework focuses on two...

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