To start off my first weekend trip, I woke up Friday morning to a message from a random stranger where he explained that he had found my passport on the ground in the city. WHOOPS. Luckily, the people of Sweden are extremely kind. He was nice enough not to steal it. I plan to nominate him for the Noble Peace Prize or to go on Ellen or something!!! I don't know what I did to deserve this whole situation working out perfectly (after it was found of course) but I cannot be more grateful. Anyways....
Once I regained my belongings and composure, this fine looking crew took the cheap and slightly reliable FlixBus on our adventure to the city with the largest amusement park in Scandinavia.... Göteborg (aka Gothenburg)!
*Disclaimer: we didn't go to the amusement park...oops*
We arrived on Friday morning and began our walk through the city. We first stopped at the botanical gardens where we got to play on the playground!! Oh, and we got to see some plants too. Then we went to the art museum. There was a 15 minute film about a stuffed doll that tried to carry another stuffed doll up the stairs but kept failing. Still trying to figure out the meaning of that one... Next, we went to explore Haga which is an old area with dainty shops.
After a day of exploring, we went to our Airbnb which was a
Yes, six of us stayed in a sailboat for the night. And yes, it was really cheap. We did it for the experience, we got the experience, and we will never experience it again
On Saturday, we went to the south archipelago. Due to the tricky ferry schedule, we only made it to one island, Brännö, but it did not disappoint (see photo below). ALSO, the price of the ferry is the same as a tram/bus ticket. It was a whopping $2 to take both the tram to the dock and the ferry to the island!
We headed home that night... probably still swaying a little from the boat rocking all night...